Seize Your Saturday!
We'll see how long I can do this consistently. I thought Saturday might be a good time to pose a question that will challenge all of us to think. Ever since I interviewed Tracy Cotton for the podcast, and I learned about her 50 for 50 Adventure, I've been thinking about how much courage it takes to commit to trying 50 new things in a single year.
Here's my challenge for you this weekend. Wherever you gather over the next few days, see where the conversation goes when you ask this question:
If you challenged yourself to try 50 new things in one year, what would you choose? They can be places to visit, day trips, new hobbies, things that scare you or ideas to explore--but you have to make your list public so that your friends hold you accountable.
As she explained on the podcast, Tracy decided she wanted her 50th birthday year to be epic, so she had some friends help her come up with a list of 50 new things to try in 2019. Some of the things on her...
We all have rough days, and by the time five o'clock rolls around, most of us are ready to change gears, to relax, kick back... and do something that doesn't require being laser-focused on a toddler who wants to feed the dog her Legos and flush Hatchimals down the toilet.
On days like this, we might see a mom friend post on Facebook, "Mommy needs wine!" And all the moms rally and offer to show up with wine, or plan to meet at the bar for a much-needed GNO.
I totally get that mommy needs a serious break. I've been there. When I look back to my days as a young mom, I sometimes wonder how we packed so much into every day when I was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D, with three girls who each had strong opinions about how our time would be spent.
I've been wondering though, if mommy wine culture is becoming an unhealthy obsession. A quick search for "mommy needs wine" on Pinterest brings up pages of wine glasses and t-shirts and memes devoted to the idea that mommy needs her...
Tracy Cotton has always had a taste for adventure. That taste has led her to carve a niche in her insurance career as a farm to fork agent in Western North Carolina. After a lifetime of being sedentary and overweight, she began an health and fitness journey in 2015 where she shed many pounds while getting more active. She's run 5Ks, and started backpacking, including a couple of long weekends on the Appalachian Trail. Then, she decided that turning 50 in 2019 needed to be the biggest adventure of all. She took suggestions from friends and family to determine a list of 50 things to try for the first time. The collaborative list is a wide range of activities from learning to play chess to becoming a sprint triathlete, to pole-dancing to home brewing.
You can follow her adventures as she blogs along the way at
About your Podcast Host:
Coach Kim explores topics that will help you power up your life so that you can design a life you love. If you are...
“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.” -- We Bought a Zoo
This is one of my favorite quotes from the movie We Bought a Zoo, which was first an international best-selling memoir written by Benjamin Mee, who bought a zoo that was falling apart, and moved his family there. There’s a great scene at the end of the movie where he takes his kids to the place that he met their mother and he acts out the scene where he first got up the courage to talk to her, using his 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery.
I like this quote because… think about all the greatness we could achieve, if we pushed all our fears aside for just 20 seconds and just did or said whatever it was that was on our mind. I’m not talking about mean things like yelling at the waiter because your order is messed up, or yelling at your kid’s teacher...
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