Beast Mode: ON! How to Run in Winter Weather

cold weather Jan 20, 2020
I wrote this post way back in 2013 using feedback from people on the Power of Run Facebook page. I've updated it to include some new ideas.
Now that we’re seeing snow and freezing temperatures in many parts of the country, I’m getting lots of questions related to dressing for cold-weather running. And, I am the LAST person you should ask because, like a bear, I hibernate in the winter. (Did you know that Bears can go for more than 100 days without eating, drinking, or passing waste, living off of stored body fat? Sigh. Don’t they have all the luck?! I wish my winter desire to sleep and burrow under warm blankets left my body lean and muscular in time for swimsuit season.)

Anyway, since I am not a fan of cold weather running, I took this question to Facebook, where as always, the beastly runners came through with layering and product suggestions.

Let’s start with the basics. If you spend too much time scrounging for gear in the morning,...
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