You know that feeling where you feel out of place when you join a group run because you're worried about pace and distance, and maybe the whole experience is even ruined because you spend the whole run worrying about whether you're holding your training partners back? And then you get so caught up in that mindset that you don't even enjoy the run? And so the run really doesn't even relieve stress because you've gotten yourself so worked up that you might be more stressed than when you started?
In Episode 136 of the podcast, I share an observation from a triathlon I did several years ago. Everybody I was training with was at 40-60 years old at the time. Most of the people no longer had the ultra slender body that you would stereotype as being a "triathletes' body." Being perimenopausal and menopausal, most of the group carried a little extra weight around their mid-sections (which is completely normal and should be talked about more too!)
One of the things that has...
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