resolutions Dec 21, 2020

We are officially in "New Year, New You" season, that time of the year where all the ads prey on your insecurities and try to convince you that their product will make you love your life and make you 1000% more fabulous. 

Advertisers are counting on you to think you're old, fat, wrinkled, and out of shape. So, let's get this straight: you are more than your appearance, your age, your pace, your shoe size, or the size of your yoga pants. You are amazing just the way you are. 

Are you loving and kind, do you make time for the people who are important to you? Do you stand up for people who don't have a voice? Who don't have the same privilege as you? Do you care about other people? These are the things that matter: who you are on the inside.

 At a recent visit to see my doctor, he said something that really hit home for me. He said: Health is pretty simple. You need quality sleep; food that nourishes, and hydration. And, you exercise; make time for connections, and look for the joy.

It really is that simple. As you make decisions about your health in the new year, and as you evaluate all the programs and "get thin tomorrow" products, it might help to look at them through this filter: how will the product help you improve sleep, eat nutritious food, stay hydrated, exercise, connect, or find joy?

You can listen the full episode in the player above. Wishing all of my listeners a safe and happy holiday season and a fit and healthy new year!


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