You Can Do Hard Things—Let’s Live Boldly Together!

How do I know you can do this? Because I’ve been there. I’ve faced doubts, setbacks, and the kind of life challenges that make you question everything... and I've come out stronger every time.


My journey to living boldly didn’t start with marathons or triathlons—it started with me barely able to run 1/10th of a mile around the track. Despite spending hours in the gym, running felt impossible. But with perseverance and the support of others, I began entering 5Ks, then half marathons, and eventually marathons and triathlons. Each step in that journey taught me how to push past my limits and embrace boldness in the face of discomfort.

But the real transformation happened when life threw me a harder challenge—a battle with breast cancer. I was in the best shape of my life when I found out I had breast cancer. While the physical side of treatment was daunting, it was losing my hair during chemo that scared me the most. I didn’t want to be seen as "sick" or "incapable." So, I decided to take control of my mindset by running a 5K for each round of chemo, and I celebrated the end of treatment with a half marathon. It wasn’t just about crossing the finish line—it was about finding strength and joy in the hardest moments and focusing on the journey, not just the outcome. I discovered strength I didn’t know I had.

Next came the pandemic, the last of the kids leaving the nest, and a mid-life divorce. These moments reshaped my world, testing my resilience in ways I hadn’t anticipated. When the familiar routine of raising my children ended and my marriage dissolved, I was faced with a new chapter—one filled with uncertainty, yet full of possibilities. It was in these challenging moments that I learned the true meaning of living boldly: embracing change, seeking out new adventures, and discovering the strength to rebuild and redefine my life on my own terms.

In the midst of navigating these challenges, I found a new path of adventure and healing. In 2023, I took on the MR340, a 340-mile paddling race across Missouri—something I never imagined doing. It tested me physically and mentally in ways I’d never experienced before. But I learned that the bigger the challenge, the more profound the growth.

Whether you’re facing a mid-life transition, a fitness challenge, or seeking to rediscover your purpose, I’m here to help. I’ve walked through divorce, battled cancer, and embraced new, bold adventures—and I’m ready to share the tools I’ve used to build resilience, confidence, and joy. Life is full of obstacles, but with the right mindset, you can overcome them and rewrite your story.

Let’s get started on your next bold adventure! Email me at